After a long, long journey the official build for v0.43 is completed but there was more I wanted to do. I initially planned for about 6 or 7 animations but opted out for just 4 for the time being to not hold up production any longer. This build focused on most of the doggy-style animations and I do plan to add a couple of extra angles in the upcoming 0.43b and 0.43c updates before we move on to v0.44. Animations take a ton of time and energy and time got the better of me this round but I hope to do better next time.
- Added 4 new animations (doggy-style scenes)
- Added backgrounds to existing animations
Nothing too crazy this time around cause all my time was focused on making the new animations as fluid as possible. I hope to continue adding more and more to the game to eventually start on the next chapter starring the principal...
I hope that the animations make it worth the wait. Enjoy!!